Illustration for -TANDEM- competition by -AssociazioneTapirulan-
I can't believe that for the second consecutive year I was selected for the Tapirulan Association exhibition and calendar 2024
Studying the word TANDEM and the various meanings in all the different fields in which it is used, even just in a figurative sense, I came to the conclusion that the basic meaning that united them all was:
chain arrangement of two or more elements, equal or similar, arranged one behind the other connected to each other, which collaborate closely, dividing work and responsibility equally.
Having deduced this, the first image that came to mind is an ELEFANDEM!
chain arrangement of two or more elements, equal or similar, arranged one behind the other connected to each other, which collaborate closely, dividing work and responsibility equally.
Having deduced this, the first image that came to mind is an ELEFANDEM!
Sketch, study of colors and lineart

Definitive illustration

Process timelapse